ספרים בהוצאת סיפור פשוט

A brighter sight of life

This book is part of the Soul Photography series—a series of books that describe how people view reality in different ways.
The book presents a “case study” of the life of Or (a pseudonym), a 32-year-old man with a severe visual impairment (retinitis pigmentosa), who is functionally and emotionally dependent on his immediate environment.
My hope is that Or’s case will give the reader a new perspective on blindness and visual impairment, that will lead him to reevaluate the idea of perception of reality in general, and his own relationship with his reality.

על הסופר

תומר פלד

Tomer Peled has a Master's Degree in Creative Expressive Therapies. He is a photo therapist and a professional photographer, as well as a caregiver for autistic children and vulnerable teenagers. He accompanied the Israeli protest events of the summer of

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