Michal Agmon-Gonnen, in her first photography book turned her camera to hardworking women, around the globe (India, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, Ethiopia, Namibia, Peru, Romania, Cuba, Malta, Morocco, Panama, Zanzibar, Philippines, Japan and more). The pictures are taken in different settings: at home, with the children, on the fields, in the markets, and reveals a greater truth about the larger situation of women.
Hard Working Women is unique book. The images of women are transcendental and timeless… around the globe, around the clock, since the dawn of time, always, forever. It presents women in a wider cultural context, beyond photography, through the artist personal lens of feminism and social justice.
The artist has a sensitive eye for human experience. The photographs, capturing the lesser known and harsh truth about working women, that many dared not to acknowledge. She had found a way to photograph the women, which draws the viewer into their world and souls, and convey her feelings and compassion for the women in the pictures.
In addition to the photographs, Hard Working Women also features data from the UN and other international agencies regarding women's global situation as well as reflections on their situation.
Hard Working Women is a must-have for both feminists, activists as well as travel and art enthusiasts.